One time, a hare and a tortoise met up. They were both craftsman, the two were in the same trade, however there was a major difference between the two. Firstly, the tortoise began: "I can't believe myself, I despise this craft. It took me so long to do one!". The hare, being a chipper chap, tried to cheer up the tortoise. "Come on, my man, don't be so down! At least you're not like the Ibuki!". The tortoise looked up at the hare, and slowly, but surely, nodded his head. "That girl, she had taken all of the market for herself. At least we're not like her..." Suddenly, a man rose up. It was the one and only Sherlock Holmes. "Hullo, dear tortoise and hare! I believe you are trademen, correct?". The hare and tortoise looked at the man, and shook their heads. "Craftsmen, Mr. Holmes". "Close enough", the Great Detective replied. "I have a request", Holmes suddenly stated. "I need some materials, and a bit of guidance". The tortoise and hare, believing this to be their respite, eagerly gave the man the materials he needed to begin. And thus, the Great Detective began. After hours of work, Holmes came back, his brow barely glistening, and a smile as wide as London Bridge. "I've done it! I've finished the craft!", he cried out excitedly.. And that he had, the craft was there. Sherlock "Sherlock Holmes" Holmes had made a magnum opus of the one person he knew best - himself. The tortoise and hare had no response. For, it had taken one of them months to complete the simplest of crafts, and suddenly this new man had showed up and done what took him days upon days of work to do. The hare didn't care either way - he was eager to try out the man's new craft. The morale of this fable, brought to you by Sherlock "Sherlock Holmes" Holmes, is this: One can do much better, and should always strive to achieve their best. But when put up against a Great Detective, don't expect anything less. By the author, Sherlock "Sherlock Holmes" Holmes. Ending Note: A grand total of 16 emotes, with 27 preanimations (bringing the total up to 43 emotes, goodness gracious) are included in this rip. More are to come, primarily one that cannot be ripped as of right now, and a few pre-animations that I couldn't find in the footage - such as Holmes' "frustration" emote that was found in the other rip. I apolgoize for this, but I cannot do much in terms of footage. My, admittedly, quick skimming of the footage for emotes didn't turn up any instance of the latter, and while I can rip the (a) of the former, the (b) needs other footage not available to us. As for how I'll get the footage, it's a tricky situation that I'll have to figure out due to my lack of a machine calpable of recording footage. A few animations didn't have transitions (such as Normal to Correct), or, I didn't find the transitions due to the footage being hours upon hours of the same emotes. For this, such as the correcting emote, a general pre-animation was included. Note that this wasn't done to every pre-animation, but only a few. While this work is great in size, we must all look forward; When I get the footage I need, expect an update of sorts for this Great Detective. As for the character itself, due to the nature of 1.8, one can only have a total of 30 emotes without breaking the buttons. For this, I have included two inis - one is a base pack of all of Sherlock's needed emotes (transitions and a few pre-animations), while the other is everything that's included. I, however, will not be making buttons from 30 to 43, as they're not needed for this client. When the time comes, I'll make all of the buttons for those emotes, but that time is not now. All pre-animation timers from Casual, Goggled, and Undercover Holmes are found in this ini. There should be no issues with ini-swapping - I've made sure to name each pre-animation slightly different from the others - but there may be something I missed (as I haven't been able to test that out yet). Button 11 to 20 are also blank, as they are never seen in this client. When 2.0 is used on AO/v/, I shall update the buttons (as I will have to). I hope all of you enjoy the rip(s), for it took me a grand total of about half a week to do all of this. Take that, Cuckechi. - An Anonymous Ripper